The Seven City Brewer of the Year Award was established to recognize and award the Seven City Brewer who participates in club activities and exhibits outstanding homebrewing ability. For 2021 The Seven City Brewer of the Year Awards are:
1st Place Winner: The Seven City Brewer with the most points in addition to earning the right to display the coveted Seven City Brewers Cup in your own brewery with your name permanently sharped on it, you will receive a cash award of $150.00.
2nd Place Winner: The Seven City Brewer with the second highest points will receive a cash award of $100.00.
3rd Place Winner: The Seven City Brewer with the third highest points will receive a cash award of $75.00.
The point scoring is from December 1st, 2020 to December 1st, 2021. Point values have been assigned to club and homebrew related activities. Any activity not specifically listed will be considered by the club’s officers and a determination made on it value:
Attend Club Meeting/Event 2 points
Bring Brew to Club Meeting/Event 1 point
Give Presentation at Meeting/Event 2 points
Organize a Club Event 2 points
Host a Club Meeting/Event 3 points
Represent Seven City Brewers at AHA 4 points
Brew at Public Events to Promote the Club 4 points
like Big Brew Day and Teach A Friend
To Homebrew
Entering a Homebrew Competition 2 points
1st Place in Homebrew Completion 6 points *
2nd Place in Homebrew Competition 5 points *
3rd Place in Homebrew Competition 4 points *
4th Place making it to Best of Show in 1 point *
Homebrew Competition
* For Barrel Brewer beers that are entered into a competition and place, the brewer who enters the barrel brewer beer gets the full points and the Co-barrel brewers receive 1 point each.
Participate in Club Barrel Fill 3 points
Be a Judge or Steward in 2 points
Homebrew Competition
Participate in Learn to Brew 2 points
Events with an experienced brewer
Obtain Full Member BJCP 10 points