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In 2005 a group of about 12 homebrewers got together at Homebrew USA Norfolk and wrote a charter. They formed the Beer and Ale Research Foundation homebrew club. The entire ideal for BARF was to be a club focused on the technical side of brewing, to share experiences and improve our homebrewing skills. It was a contrasted with other local clubs at the time that focused primarily on drinking/tasting. In 2013 the club changed it's name to Seven City Brewers to recognize that we include members from all the 7 cities  of Hampton Roads Virginia. To this day the vision of  that initial charter still exists. We never want to forget the homebrewers that came before us.

Seven City Brewers 7CB Leadership



President Joey Tomasello

Vice President Drew Stephenson

Treasurer Royal Damuth

Secretary Andrew Jackson

Event Coordinator Bob Roberts


President Joey Tomasello

Vice President Travis Ryder

Treasurer Royal Damuth

Secretary Elijah Roberts

Event Coordinator Roman Goldshteyn



President Leanne White

Vice President Travis Ryder/Larry Lentz

Treasurer Royal Damuth

Secretary Elijah Roberts


President Leanne White

Vice President Larry Lentz

Treasurer Royal Damuth

Secretary Karen Martin



President Bob Roberts

Vice President Fred Baker

Treasurer Royal Damuth

Secretary Karen Martin

Event Coordinator Larry Lentz

Competition Coordinator Fred Baker

Website Administrator Fred Baker 


President Larry Lentz

Vice President Bill Taylor

Treasurer Fred Baker

Secretary Karen Martin

Event Coordinator Fred Baker

Competition Coordinator Fred Baker

Website Administrator Fred Baker 


President Larry Lentz

Vice President John Allen

Treasurer Fred Baker

Secretary Karen Martin

Event Coordinator Fred Baker

Competition Coordinator Fred Baker

Website Administrator Fred Baker 


President Brian McCrickard

Vice President Larry Lentz

Treasurer Fred Baker

Secretary Karen Martin

Event Coordinator Larry Lentz

Competition Coordinator Fred Baker/Tim Rouse

Barrel King Jack Wallace/Dempsey Smith

Website Administrator Fred Baker 


President Brian McCrickard

Vice President Karen Martin

Treasurer  Dempsey Smith

Secretary Fred Baker

Event Coordinator Brian McCrickard

Competition Coordinator Tim Rouse

Barrel King Dempsey Smith

Website Administrator Fred Baker 


President Brian McCrickard

Vice President Dempsey Smith

Treasurer Paul Wilson

Secretary Beth Madden

Event Coordinator Brian McCrickard

Competition Coordinator Tim Rouse

Barrel King Dempsey Smith

Website Administrator Fred Baker


President - Brian McCrickard

Vice President - Tim Woodard

Treasurer - Paul Wilson

Secretary - Beth Madden

Barrel King - Joe Luchansky


President - Brian McCrickard

Vice President - Brandon & Carla Christian

Treasurer - Paul Wilson

Secretary - Beth Madden

Barrel King - Joe Luchansky

Beer and Ale Research Foundation Leadership


President Bill Berry

Treasurer Dan Tully


President Bill Berry

Treasurer Dan Tully


President Piller Gregerson

Vice President Bill Berry

Treasurer Dan Tully

Secretary Rob Kirkpatrick

Competition Coordinator Patti Messier



President Rob Kirkpatrick

Vice President Piller Gregerson

Treasurer Dan Tully

Secretary Elijah Roberts

Competition Coordinator Patti Messier


President Rob Kirkpatrick

Vice President Elijah Roberts

Treasurer Dan Tully

Event Coordinator Chris Knight

Competition Coordinator Patti Messier


President Chris Knight

Vice President Elijah Roberts

Treasurer Dan Tully

Secretary Justin Crandall


President Chris Knight

Vice President Elijah Roberts

Treasurer Dan Tully


President Chris Knight/Dale Wilkins/Michael Mitchem

Vice President Elijah Roberts

Treasurer Dan Tully

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